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Hey! So I have been creating the portfolio site for my brother who is a Graphic Designer and i wanted to create a section in the site where i can...
🌟Intro CSS variables are a new addition that works the same as variables in any language where you store some data and reference it by the variable...
Bulma CSS is one of those Frameworks that is in every list of “Top CSS frameworks to learn” and it does deserve its place there along with the likes...
When dealing with Responsive Web Designs you will have to use @media queries to change the look of your website in different device sizes. In this...
Guide to using local fonts in CSS · There are many great fonts that you might want to use into your website but that font might not be a font which you...
These are the most basic and common steps or commands you can follow to put your code on Git and Github. If you don't know git and GitHub very well...